Normalising menopause conversations




We are taking positive action to ensure everyone at Survitec who is going through menopause is supported.

Menopause is a workplace taboo, with many hesitant to openly discuss it and managers lacking guidance on supporting their teams through menopause.

Perimenopause and menopause are natural life phases, yet they remain shrouded in silence and stigma, especially within the workplace, with a high percentage of women leaving their jobs because of a lack of support and awareness.

  • Survitec Lifejacket Servicing Team For The Rnli 6
World Menopause Badge

Supporting our colleagues

We've signed the Wellbeing of Women's Menopause Workplace Pledge, joining more than 2,500 companies that are committed to normalising conversations around menopause and providing the support and awareness needed. This includes helping to generate more conversations between people managers and colleagues about menopause and cultivating a more inclusive work environment.

We are partnering with Henpicked, industry leaders of menopause workplace training, to offer people managers awareness and training sessions, equipping them with the knowledge needed to support those navigating their menopause journey. Our workplace support and guidance documents are also being refreshed to ensure they are up-to-date and fit for purpose.


Survitec Menopause Champions 

Many women will experience menopause. While each individual's journey is unique, it can be demanding due to physical and emotional symptoms, societal norms, and workplace stresses, frequently resulting in women exiting the workforce.

The Survitec Menopause Champions are colleagues who have formed a group and have volunteered their time to support you. They provide a safe space to discuss menopausal symptoms, offer tips for managing symptoms at work and home, and raise awareness among managers.

Champions can also connect you with professionals and support groups. In addition anyone can sign up and join monthly drop-in sessions.

Menopause Champion Logo


Learning and Development HR Partner, Julie Simkins shares her story 

Her challenges and the importance of open conversations, support, and understanding for women going through this natural phase in life

I want to open up about my personal experience with menopause. It's a journey many of us go through, and I hope that sharing my story can provide a little bit of help and support.

Around eight to nine years ago, I started noticing alterations in my menstrual cycle, indicating the beginning of perimenopause. I encountered symptoms such as brain fog and forgetfulness, which was quite unusual for me as anyone who knows me knows I’m typically sharp and always mentally alert.

My perimenopausal phase was filled with profound fatigue and constant tiredness. Initially, I attributed this to my arthritis. However, the underlying cause of these issues was the ongoing internal struggle within my body.

For me personally, in consultation with my doctors and taking into consideration the medication I was on for my arthritis, the risks of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) were too high. I opted to go cold turkey, which made me realise the importance of taking care of my overall well-being.

During menopause, I grappled with unexplained anger and heightened reactions. My sleep pattern was disrupted, causing insomnia and making it difficult to cope with the demands of daily life, including managing stress.

There’s also weight gain to deal with, which presents its own challenges for any woman. I've made a conscious effort to get back to the gym and be mindful of my calorie intake. I had to remind myself constantly that I was not to blame for these changes, as they are a natural part of the menopausal journey.

Survitec Menopause Champions Julies Story

There’s also weight gain to deal with, which presents its own challenges for any woman. I've made a conscious effort to get back to the gym and be mindful of my calorie intake. I had to remind myself constantly that I was not to blame for these changes, as they are a natural part of the menopausal journey.

Now that I’m on the other side of menopause, I’ve learnt that it’s so important to foster open conversations, eliminate the stigma, and increase awareness to ensure support for those going through this natural phase in life. And even those who have to live or work with a women going through these changes.

Seeking support, advice, and understanding from friends, colleagues, family, and healthcare professionals and utilising resources like our employee assistance program are really useful for support and understanding.

Every woman’s experience with menopause is uniquely different and significant – thank you for allowing me to share mine.

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