The CB Protective Layer consists of a full head to toe protective system designed for aircrew operating in a CBRN contaminated environment.  Leveraging over 3 decades experience in the design and manufacture of CBRN protective systems, the CB Protective Layer utilises critical knowledge gained from some of largest aircraft programs in the world including Eurofighter Typhoon and Joint Strike Fighter F-35. 

  • Complete ensemble consists of:
    R&O CBRN Respirator, a traditional sealed hood that incorporates HA/LP oxygen mask
    Aircrew Coverall, a two layer full body garment designed to provide high levels of percutaneous protection to below the neck
    CBRN nitrile gloves, fully disposable and worn under the existing aircrew gloves
    CBRN socks, worn inside current boots to prevent the need to integrate or re-qualify CBRN specific boots
  • The CB Protective Layer is also available with a collection of other complimentary systems for added protection and function.

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