Mads Enemark Nørgreen to lead Survitec's Offshore Wind business, including Survitec HeliPPE

Survitec has today announced the promotion of Mads Enemark Nørgreen. Mads will be responsible for Survitec's offshore wind business, including Survitec HeliPPE.
Mads has worked for Survitec HeliPPE for five years. He's held several roles in business development, sales and, most recently, operations.
Mads's promotion from within the business is a testament to Survitec's ability to recognise talent and acknowledge the wealth of experience and the development of our colleagues.
Mads has a clear vision for the future of Integrated Services for Offshore Wind and Survitec HeliPPE. He said, "I am proud of our market-leading position in the offshore wind industry. I aim to not only maintain this position but to strengthen it further."
Dan Lund, Executive Managing Director of the Wearables and Leisure business at Survitec, said, "Global demand for power from offshore wind farms is expected to change how offshore operators and transfer providers consider workforce safety and procure critical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)."
"We are committed to working with our customers and enhancing our offer to meet their needs better. With his experience and customer-first approach, Mads is the right person to take us into the future and expand our offer," he continued.