PolarQuest – the adventure for climate change Survitec sponsors PolarQuest for its mission to the Arctic

Committed to safety and survival, Survitec is supporting one of PolarQuest’s teams, made up of scientists and researchers, in their bid to relocate the sunken wreckage of Umberto Nobile’s Airship Italia. On the 90th anniversary of the airship’s crash, this polar expedition team will take advantage of the ice melting in the region for the first time in centuries.
Survitec, with safety as its number one priority, was delighted to be able to support the quest through sponsorship of a range of high-quality Crewsaver lifejackets and safety equipment. Additionally, through Survitec’s commitment to providing full education on all safety equipment before use, a training team from Survitec travelled to meet both the crew and local yachting clubs to instruct the teams on how to use the equipment supplied.
Survitec covers all bases of sea survival, inclusive of critical and arduous environments, with products suited for a variety of applications and vessels. Focusing on the safety requirements for operating remotely and offshore, the sponsorship includes the highly advanced ErgoFit 290N Ocean lifejacket which was chosen for its high specification safety features and superior comfort technology.
Other equipment provided to PolarQuest by Survitec includes pyrotechnics, replacement re-arming kits, emergency locator beacons and man overboard equipment including horseshoe buoys and throwing lines.
Guy Page, Survitec Training Manager responsible for training the crew and promoting Crewsaver’s campaign #LifejacketSafe said, “The #LifejacketSafe campaign aims to increase safety awareness by highlighting the importance of not only wearing a personal flotation device, but also making sure it is worn correctly and is well maintained. So, if the worst should happen, you are well equipped and can be assured that your safety equipment is not going to let you down. This knowledge is vital for those operating in remote regions such as the Arctic”.
With this in mind, Guy took the opportunity to make sure that the PolarQuest team was fully trained and best equipped with their new ErgoFit lifejackets. With the training successfully completed, the team from PolarQuest is ready to depart on their exciting adventure, which is set to take off from Iceland on July 21, 2018.
For further information on Survitec’s ErgoFit 290N Ocean Lifejacket, please read here.
For further information on Crewsaver’s #LifeJacketSafe campaign, please read here.