Survitec enforces its advanced capabilities in the search and rescue market with new French contract

Survitec has affirmed its position as the leading supplier in the search and rescue (SAR) safety market by securing a contractual agreement to supply Les Sauveteurs en Mer (SNSM) – the French SAR organisation – with 2,000 bespoke Crewsaver lifejackets.
Having successfully supplied the UK’s Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) with equipment for more than two decades, and a similar long-standing relationship with the Dutch KNRM (The Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution), Survitec’s proven success in this sector has helped it land a significant contract with the French organisation. For search and rescue teams, having the right personal protection significantly enhances chances of their survival – and the people they rescue.
Benjamin Serfati, Purchasing Director at Les Sauveteurs en Mer (SNSM), said: “We had only one concern throughout this project, the SAFETY and COMFORT of our rescuers, this project was made possible thanks to our sponsor TOTAL without whom we would not have been able to carry out this project and Crewsaver who knew how to meet our expectations.”
Crewsaver worked closely with SNSM in the design and trial phases to develop the SOLAS approved custom-made ErgoFit 3D Twin Chamber lifejacket. It will be supplied in two colourways; one for operation and one for training purposes.
Inspired by Crewsaver’s popular Fusion 3D lifejackets such as the ErgoFit and Seacrewsader 3D, these bespoke lifejackets were chosen for their slimline design providing additional comfort and advanced bladder performance technologies, enhancing the lifejacket’s safety features.
In detail, these lifejackets are equipped with a high specification twin-chamber bladder design and ergonomic cover which moulds to the shape of the wearer providing comfort and increased freedom of movement. A newly designed slim-click fastening buckle facilitates the use of a harness attachment point and can be manually released under tension. The lifejacket bladder provides exceptional turning speeds, increased mouth freeboard and an integrated, inflatable chin support. Additional features include the next generation of built-in spray hood, AIS attachment point, safety knife pocket, built-in Crewsaver surface lifejacket light and buddy line, providing the necessary tools to assist the SNSM rescue efforts in even the most demanding of environments.
Survitec’s in-country partner, Navicom, introduced the safety solutions provider to SNSM and was instrumental in securing the partnership which will see the lifejackets distributed to more than 175 SNSM stations in France and French overseas regions.
David Duffin, Survitec Sales Director, said: “We’re excited to be working in partnership with Les Sauveteurs en Mer (SNSM). It is a highly respected search and rescue organisation and the contract represents a real stamp of approval for our business. It is a great endorsement of our equipment that an international body such as the SNSM, which requires the very best for their rescue volunteers would seek us out. Our existing relationships with a number of different nation’s search and rescue institutions was an undoubted part of our appeal ahead of this partnership and bears testament to the strength and depth of the Survitec service network. We have been working closely with SNSM to ensure the final product is fit for its needs.”