CORPORATE GOVERNANCEcorporate governance


Survitec Corporate Governance Coc


Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (“Code”) sets the standard for how we operate our business and how each of us conducts ourselves and makes decisions no matter what challenges or pressures we may be facing: with the highest levels of integrity, honesty, ethical conduct and compliance with the law.

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The Survitec Hotline is hosted by a specialist third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint, and is available for use by anyone involved in Survitec’s operations including employees, customers, suppliers and third – parties. Anonymity is retained provided disclosure is not required by law. If you disclose, or are required to disclose, your identity when making your report, Survitec will only disclose your identity to those persons who require the information to investigate your report.


  • Survitec Corporate Governance Hotline

Our Group wide certification

ISO certification is a seal of approval from a third party body that a company runs to one of the international standards developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

      ISO 9001    ISO 14001    ISO 45001  

Our Policies 

Our Statements


A pledge is defined as a solemn promise or undertaking. At Survitec, we pledge to honour our Purpose, “We Exist to Protect lives”.

It is our responsibility to ensure those who rely on our solutions continue to trust us for their Survival Technology needs and feel well-protected if the worst happens.

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  • Survitec About Us Trust Pledge Working Together

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